Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What a day........

Rileigh woke up with pink eye!!!!!!!!! So, we had an adventure to bel air and then 3 different drug stores..........I'll tell you more later.

On the way, I stopped at the consignment shop where I had the sit and stand stroller to get the money for it and what to my wondering eyes should apear????? OMG look at it real??? I am 99.9% sure it is. WOW a Tiffany Bracelett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally got my little blue was missing the little white ribbon....but I got me a little blue box!!!!! One day, I'll get a brand new one with the ribbon that was intended for just me, but for a very long time I am going to be HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY with the one that did come my way.......look at the price!!!! $9.53 with tax!!!

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