Thursday, May 7, 2009

Back to the real reason for this blog...Life's lemons

How insane can life actually get??? So, we started in January to do some home improvements and of course while the rest of life is spinning out of control; Mom in the hospital, wedding last week; RAIN, let's add some more! The contractor called and is ready to work. All the while I feel like I can't keep up on a regular day anyway :) Rileigh has WAY MORE energy then I do!

So, today he came at 8am, and while I don't blame him for not bringing a helper for 20 miniutes, I had to leave for a Dr's appointment at 8:45, we had to get this HUGE cabinet into the living room with only the 2 of us and we actually recruited Jacob to help! Jacob held the rope, opened the door, and pulled the dollie out while we lifted. You should have seen his little proud face :) That done, off to the dr's, then off to the library where we came home and they both went straight to time out. Once they were let loose, I spent the day asking them to leave Mr. Paul alone and GET out of the way!! Then Mr. Paul and I figured out that we would need to fix the floor some at 3:30pm I was off to Lowes. Get there and only 1 car cart left!!! Damn it, it only has one steering wheel! So in we go with pouty face and screaming from the one that didn't get a steering wheel. One heck of a shopping trip later we're off to "Chick a blae" as Rileigh calls it for a crappy dinner and it was actually just what my little monsters needed. To play and eat and sit some where other then their house. So any way, we made it through one more day!!

So I still haven't started my work for the week. Maybe tomorrow :)

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