Monday, November 3, 2008

We've been busy beavers!!

We have done a bunch of fun things since I last posted, so I'll just give a few high lights.

Pumpkin carving........Too much fun, we had about 15 pumpkins carved with a great time had by all. Ms. Jane said it was the first pumpkin she carved, we changed that for her and hope that we'll see her again next year. Rileigh........would rather paint a pumpkin "I don't like it" was her words for the whole time, she wanted no parts of getting ewey and gooey with pumpkin guts and Jacob would have carved anything he could get his grubby little hands on.

Trick or Treating at Herr's potato chip factory was a BLAST!!! Can't wait to do that again next year.........Just one bit of warning DO NOT I repeat DO NOT eat the Pizza flavored chips..........yes they are as gross as they sound and while Jacob and Rileigh were smart enough to not even try them after they smelled them, I wasn't so smart and OMG did they give me the worst heart burn ever!! They did really taste like pizza, but I would recommend just eating pizza :)

Then there was Halloween, I wanted Jacob to be a Knight in shinning armour and Rileigh to be the princess....that's so funny!! Jacob had 3 costumes that we were prepared for, Spiderman, Mr. Incredible, and the Knight........Halloween day: Jacob which costume are you going to wear tonight? "Fire Fighter" WHAT!!! Did I hear that right.........last I looked that wasn't one of the choices! So, Fire Fighter it was.

I hope everyone enjoyed their October as much as we did :)

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