Sunday, April 19, 2009

Let's Go Swimming!!!

Saturday morning the ducks were taking a swim!!! I'm about ready myself, completly ready to get rid of the winter funk!!!

Here she is AFTER the Birthday Party..

We spent the day at our friend Tyler's birthday party and when I say the day, I mean the day. We were there from 1-5:30pm!! And even still Jacob and Rileigh were fussing........"I DON'T WANNA GO HOME" Rileigh even said that she was sleeping there!

This should make you smile :)

Just look at the look on Rileigh's face and then glance down at the caption on her bib!!! It say's "Are these people really my relatives?"

Monday, April 13, 2009

Are you really letting HER do THAT????

MOMMMMM!!! Look at her!! Here is our Easter's supposed to look like a sunflower. We didn't really need an Easter cake, but I have been wanting to experiment with decorating a cake. I am detirmined/crazy/disilliosional....that I Jennifer am going to make Jacob a homemade birthday cake and cupcakes for his party!!! I am after all a full time mom and I wouldn't slack at a paying job..... Keep an eye open in May when I'm flipping out about it!!

Brandywine Zoo

Let me just start by saying that if you blink twice......well you've missed it. I did expect a small zoo, but we arrived at 10:50 am and we saw every animal there was to see (except the monkey house) at we had lunch....done by 11:30! So off to the monkey house...10 minutes. Luckily the children didn't notice and were excited by plan B.....the park in Glasgow, which I will not go to by myself, because if you blink twice there, you have lost 2 children!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My New Motto!

Live your life each day so that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, the devil shudders and says "Oh no, she's awake!"